Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Games Britannia

Games Britannia: Dicing With Destiny

On 30th October 2014 our lecture Eddie showed us a video called Games Britannia on BBC4. It was a interesting show to look about all the history of games. The fact that all of the origin games that was made long time ago was evolved and developed in the present.  

Benjamin Woolley, the host of the Game Britannia showed us all the old game that was made in the past and also talked about how he grew up playing different types of old games. He then talks about some example games that were made in the past like snakes and ladders, chess, ludo and even showed us complex games that were similar to snakes and ladders for example.

Then later he focus on how a lot of people used to play games to pass time as a method, like in the church for example, there were a lot of board games carved/inscribed in the stone because they could use it to play while they had to wait. then pretty much looked at interacting and gambling game. The gambling was growing more fast because it all about to winning or loosing money based on the cast of dice. Also another thing he also mention about dice to be something evil when it was seen in the church. So basically it means it affects religions. 

In the last video he talks about chess, a very known game that everybody plays and requires lots of strategy and thinking. What i learned was that chess was used as a method of training troops to battle in the old days. Now in the present chess used to have different types of rules until when the international championship took part the rules was set. Benjamin spoke with one of the professional chess player and he said it easy to play chess but it takes time and it difficult to master it. 

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